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It is always a privilege to meet accomplished people! 

President Barack Obama

Bill Clinton
Former President Bill Clinton 2013

Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton- 2013

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton- 2008

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton- 2006

Speaker Nancy Pelosi

Vice President Al Gore

Surpreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

Secretary of State Madeline Albright

Senator John Kerry

Terry McAuliffe
Chairman DNC - 2001-2005
Chairman Hillary Clinton for President

Invesco Field
2008 Democratic Convention

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton- 2005


HD Palmer
Assistant to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

Senator Arlen Specter

Congressman Henry Waxman

Senator Tom Harkin

Senator Timothy Wirth
President, United Nations Foundation

Ambassador L. Paul Bremer III
Presidential envoy to Iraq
May 2003 through June 2004

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton- 2004