President Barack Obama |
Former President Bill Clinton 2013
Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton- 2013 |
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton- 2008 |
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton- 2006
Speaker Nancy Pelosi |
Vice President Al Gore |
Surpreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor
Secretary of State Madeline Albright |
Senator John Kerry
Terry McAuliffe
Chairman DNC - 2001-2005
Chairman Hillary Clinton for President |
Invesco Field 2008 Democratic Convention
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton- 2005
HD Palmer
Assistant to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
Senator Arlen Specter
Congressman Henry Waxman |
Senator Tom Harkin
Senator Timothy Wirth
President, United Nations Foundation |
Ambassador L. Paul Bremer III
Presidential envoy to Iraq
May 2003 through June 2004
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton- 2004 |